Digital projects


Project Vox

a digital project dedicated to introducing early modern women into the philosophical canon

Associate in Research, 2021–2023

Manage blog; coordinate social media outreach campaigns for our team and the Extending New Narratives network; communicate regularly with the project’s existing audience through newsletters; manage graduate students working on social media strategy and a teaching resources assessment project

Project Manager, 2019–2020

Manage team of 15 people including librarians, professors, graduate students and undergraduates; edit and submit national funding applications on behalf of the project; organize publication schedule

Outreach & Assessment Coordinator, 2017–2019

Manage monthly blog; coordinate social media outreach campaigns related to new published content; communicate regularly with the project’s existing audience through newsletters; gather user feedback on site features and content as well as the project’s impact on philosophy as a discipline


“Outreach & Assessment for Emerging Digital Projects: Reflections from Project Vox” in Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook with Nicholas Smolenski, July 2022

Revealing Voices: Establishing Meaningful Outreach Strategies for Project Vox, July 2020

Outreach & Assessment Manual, August 2020

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National Humanities Center

online courses for teachers and university faculty

Education Digital Projects Coordinator, 2021–2022

develop online educational courses for K-12 teachers and university faculty and staff; manage the online educational resources on the Humanities in Class Digital Library; collaborate with NHC staff to create an outreach strategy for the online educational courses

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Harsha Murthy Fellow in Digital Scholarship

a fellowship through Digital Scholarship at Duke University with a focus on providing digital programs for graduate students

Fellow, 2018–2019

advertised all of the events offered by DSS, organized and publicized the Digital Brown Bag series for graduate students


Musical Festivals Database

a searchable database with information about British Musical Festivals from 1695–1940

Research & Outreach Intern, 2017

Content editor for the Musical Festivals Database; create an outreach strategy for principle investigator for the site launch by creating a brand, logo, and a social media plan to alert librarians and researchers to the open-source site; organize an online questionnaire through Qualtrics for future assessment